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The value of a strong web presence! 

The Real estate marketing has evolved in the last few years. The Internet and the Social Media Networking become very important as marketing tools.

90% of all home rentals used the Internet as an information source.

sideManager Mobile with the VisiteExpress Service, allow you to have all your available units on the web in minutes. Your potential clients will have access to detailed information about your properties as descriptions, features, photos and more.

They can immediately send you inquires or contact you.

Having your own presence on the web gives you great advantages because the potential tenants will focus only on one of your available properties and not at the units belonging to your competitors.


    •  Personalized Marketing message to your clients.
    •  Intuitive searching trow your properties
    •  Detailed information and photos for each unit
    •  Google map integration
    •  Contact information and contact form

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sideManager on Mobile Phones

sideManager Mobile plays a key role for property owners and property managers as a decision making tool.

sideManager Website Express

The value of a strong web presence!

90% of all home rentals used the Internet as an information source.